Sunday, August 24, 2008

Golden state

Spent a lazy Sunday hanging around the house making smoothies, watching scrubs and working on a couple art projects. The dress is one I found at the thrift store back in December and haven't really had the guts to wear much. I'm still not sure if I like the mutton sleeves.


Dress- Thrift $12

Shoes- Thrift $4

Soundtrack- John Doe, A year in the wilderness


SHIZUKA said...

wow $4 for the shoes?! that's amazing, its so worth more! btw thanks for the lovely comment i like your blog too and ive linked you:D

Anonymous said...

Those shoes are adorable!

Anonymous said...

Oh I really like this dress! The sleeves don't look too bad in th photo.

Andrea Eames said...

I like the sleeves! :)

Couture Carrie said...

Great shoes!
Love your look!

Unknown said...

Rora, that dress is GORGEOUS on you! The sleeves don't look muttony at all. I'm finally following people's blogs after being offline/busy for a bit and love your style, would you like to do a link swap?