Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I'm the king of New York

I get inspired by the oddest things. For instance:

The twenty-five pound box of peaches that's sitting on our kitchen counter.

Peachy, scrumptious, sparkly makeup.
Peachy accessories.
And peach cobbler.

What I wore to my S.A.T prep class this morning. Not so shockingly, everyone else was in jeans and Ts and flip-flops. *sighs the sigh of the chroniclly over dressed.*
and before you ask, yes I do feel just the littlest bit like an extra for the cast of Newsies.


Anonymous said...

I love your peach make up! I've been on the lookout for a peach lipstick for the longest time and all I've managed to find is a bright coral.

Great outfit too, you look so effortlessly stylish :D

Hanna said...

Those peaches look delicious.

I think you should be perpetually overdressed! The only time you should feel uncomfortable is when you've slipped into the jeans and hoodie sacrelige everyone is commiting.

Kristina said...

I prefer being overdressed rather than 'underdressed'. ALWAYS. When you get the sense that everyone else thinks you're totally out of place while you don't care and feel great, you're onto something.;)

Anonymous said...


oh and the SAT is terrible, I took it three times and that is just three times too many

karla deras said...

I never tried white tights before- maybe I should experiement, hmmm.. linked you!

Doriz Jeltzin said...
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Unknown said...

comment était votre journée?
i aimé votre blog
vous êtes fantastique!

très beau blog
fabuleux fantastique
au revoir
prendre soin de
à bientôt

how was your day?
i liked your blog
you are fantastic!!!

really nice blog
fabulous fantastic
take care
see you

..... said...

i love your hair ! it gives u an androgyneous look

SHIZUKA said...

OOO yummy.
love your makeup, so natural and beautiful. i totally know how you feel about being overly dressed. makes me feel slightly intimidated by UNDER dressed people but really why should we feel this way when we look good hahaha, you look fab!